Friday, January 31, 2020

Colorado Creative Music Case Study Essay Example for Free

Colorado Creative Music Case Study Essay Large differences among competitors (advertisement) Necessity of touring across the country (more personal approach) Driving forces Financial Lowered initial investment (technology) Easy to enter the market Digitalization (fixed costs) Non-financial (art) To create a better piece of art Essential for business to happen Attractiveness of the industry from the standpoint of good long-term profit prospects Health problems of Mr. Darren Skanson Instead of 2 planned CDs only 1new CD He found new musicians Need to sell more CDs (no more sales, no profit) for acceptation of the CDs by distributors Direct sales are big part of sales Finding of some responsible and skilful person SWOT analysis strengths decreased expenses due to digital revolution position on the market Darren’s presence at shows the direct sale weaknesses lack of managerial skills insufficient distribution channel reducing profit SWOT analysis con’t opportunities reaching broader audience with promoting various artists and music styles music events outside Colorado cooperation with retail outlets nationwide threats new entrants existing competition minor position on the market iracy Assessment of CCM’s financial performance Not very various financial performance of the company Trends in each year: increasing gross profit of the company/expenses are increasing/net income is decreasing except 1998/sales are increasing – but not very – problem Increased number of work – increased number of money for hiring of new people. He need to sell more CDs if the company wants to be a part of national distribution he had several options: 1. To have several artists and to play as record label 2. Compete with artists on a recording label with Sony Classical 3. To make a new good selling product and to use money from sales for first two goals He found out that needs to increase promotion and publicity process (not quality but image) The biggest dilemma – after having health problems – need to find responsible and skilful person Uncertainties – manager on his position can be weak and not such good as Darren – not beneficial for the company – no profit.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Free Catch-22 Essays: The Lunacies of Catch-22 :: Catch-22

The Lunacies of Catch-22 Joseph Heller, in his Catch-22, satirizes the lunacies and catches of war and the military. This world which Yossarian and Milo inhabit is a game to be played very carefully. That the craziness of war is a game can be supported by the fact that Milo and Yossarian both win, but each having and utilizing a different strategy. "Milo and Yossarian came from fundamentally different con-man traditions, both pressed into new extremes. The contrast in styles can be summed up by saying that Milo is serious but covert and that Yossarian is open but playful." Throughout the novel, Milo makes headway by his manipulations and fast talk. He makes himself invaluable to Colonel Cathcart by forcing him to realize that he is irreplaceable. He manipulates himself into a position of acting as a lifeline to the base by appealing to the weaknesses of his superior officers. Cunningly he maneuvers himself into power and becomes the most influential person in the entire scope of operations. However, he loses the sense of the game; he becomes so wrapped up in gaining position, he loses his sense of awareness and becomes singularly concerned with money and power. Yossaarian, on the other hand, remains openly defiant of the game but succeeds at it because of his playfulness. He attends a march stark naked, openly aborts missions, and obviously fakes illness to escape "the game." In doing this he makes his points and accomplishes his goals but only because of his playfulness. Yossarian made real headway upon his temporary repression of his ideals and principles but realizing his mistake changed his mind. He could not manipulate his beliefs as Milo does but could not advance with open, serious defiance and strict adherence to his principles. Yossarian sacrificed his only straightforward chance to escape

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Edm Influence

In the last decade Electronic Dance Music, or EDM, has made a complete 180 in the United States. It has shifted from a genre that was mostly underground with few listeners into popular music. Not only has it begun to top billboards, but it has influenced artists of many other genres to â€Å"hop on the bandwagon† and begin using it in their songs as well. From commercials to theme songs of popular television programs, the influx of EDM can be seen throughout American society.One of the biggest changes EDM has brought to the music industry is that due to most of the artists’ knowledge of computers, not to mention the day and age we live in where we are all connected over the internet, they are able to take advantage of communicating and promoting over the internet to reach out to their fans. This allows these artists to listen to their fans and give them what they are asking for.Contrary to the EDM artists, many rock and pop artists have â€Å"used and abused them [fans ], sold them overpriced CDs, tried to sell them music they didn't like by using stupid gimmicks† (Doherty) causing them to lose their foothold on the charts and allow EDM to step right in. The influences of EDM can also be seen by looking at pop artist and the way their songs have begun using more electric beats and styles. â€Å"Katy Perry's ‘Fireworks' and Rihanna's ‘Only Girl' [were] both co-produced† (Doherty) by electro-house artists and one of Britney Spears’ newer songs, ‘Hold It Against Me,’ also included signs of dubstep.On Jay-Z and Kanye West’s collaborative album ‘Watch the Throne’ the song ‘Who Gon Stop Me’ has a sample from a very popular EDM song by Flux Pavilion called ‘I Can’t Stop. ’ The most surprising influence of EDM on an artist, however, can be placed on Taylor Swift. In her new album ‘Red’ she has a song called ‘22’ which features many e lectronic and upbeat rhythms in it. These are only a few of the many artists that have incorporated electronic music into their songs and in doing so helped to render EDM even more widespread and dominant in today’s music industry.EDM also has begun showing up in music festivals, on television, and in movies. â€Å"It’s artists headline huge festivals†¦ its hooks soundtrack commercials; its textures bolster movie scenes† (Doherty). The EDM music festivals have grown very popular in the last decade, Deadmau5, a famous EDM Dj, compares one of these festivals in the 90’s to one a few years ago and recalls â€Å"[there were] only about 4-5000 people, but it was huge at the time. You go out to L. A. now, to Gary Richards' Hard parties — he gets 20-40,000. The Dj’s are bringing a visual and physical experience for the audience during these festivals by having laser shows and visual graphics appear while their music plays. Television commerci als have also started to embrace this trend. Microsoft included and promoted Alex Clare’s ‘Too Close’ in their commercial for the new Internet Explorer. This commercial boosted Alex Clare’s career, before the commercial he was only known in the U. K. In a final form of media the movies have also assimilated EDM into their soundtracks. ‘Tron: Legacy’ had a soundtrack that was almost entirely devoted to EDM.Because of all this assimilations into mass media of all forms, EDM’s influence in the United States has only grown more rapidly and stronger. It seems that one cannot go a day without hearing a song under this genre; it surrounds and influences pop culture every day. Similar to rock and roll in the 1950’s, EDM has experienced demonization from parents and threats of legislation over the concern â€Å"fueled by concern over the ecstasy-related deaths. † These laws see â€Å"electronic music itself as a gateway to social degradation† (Doherty) and seek to disassemble EDM.According to Josh Glazer, editor of URB magazine, â€Å"It may cause a cooling down period, but in the end, electronic music, festivals, etc. , are simply not something that will ever be halted. There is both too much demand and too much economic incentive. † If the law were to shut down EDM then many business and individuals would be left bankrupt or jobless. Although this may seem dismal and unfair in the present, rock and roll received the same kind of â€Å"critique which now seems quaint and ridiculous. †In conclusion EDM has brought about many social and cultural effects due to the changes it created to the industry. Through its artists’ computer knowledge they have brought about a greater fan/artist connection along with allowing any aspiring artist the ability to create his/her own music just by downloading different software. Finally EDM has influenced mainstream pop artists, directors, and market ing agencies to incorporate a more electrical and up beat sound to their music, ads, or movies because it appeals to the young audiences.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Crime Rates in America - 1161 Words

Crime Rates In America Elliot H. Maysonet CJA/204 08 April 2013 Prof. Ron Alter Crime Rates In America In society’s day and age, Americans believe that crime has been steadily increasing. This perspective is based on information provided to the public by criminologist. Our society relies heavily on statistical data to measure criminality and the effectiveness of the laws that govern society. This data is collected and formulated to create what is known as national crime reports. These reports were implemented to improve the structure of the laws that govern our society. In addition these reports record criminal activity, the type of crimes committed, the locations of criminal trends, the volume of crimes committed, and the†¦show more content†¦These reports are based only on the crimes that have been reported by victims or discovered by police. In the cases of crimes that are less serious, the data used for these reports are that which resulted in arrest only (not reported crimes). These reports do not include crimes that have not been reported, have been omitted fro m these reports, or cases which prosecutors declined to prosecute due to lack of evidence. Although these crimes are not indicated on these reports, they still contribute to our society’s criminality. Another way that crime rates can be deceiving is the views between street crimes and white-collar crimes. To the public eye street crimes, which consist of crimes such as Murder, Rape, Robbery, Assault, Kidnapping, Arson, etc. is the more devastating to society. Whereas white-collar crimes such as Embezzlement, Tax evasion, Price fixing, Bank fraud, Concealment of product liabilities, etc. are not seen as detrimental to society. The UCR and NCVS reports tend to focus more on street crime as apposed to white-collar crimes. This can lead the public to believe contrary to reality. When researching this comparison, we will find an overwhelming disparity which shows that white-collar crime affect society far worse than street crime in the form of financial cost, property lose or damage, and personal injury or death (Robinson 2011). In researching the topic of crime rates in America, I have learned that crime rates relate toShow MoreRelatedTop Ten Places To Live In America Essay1053 Words   |  5 PagesLIVE IN AMERICA ON A BUDGET (2017) This article is basically a list of the top 10 best places to live in America on a budget. Various cities were looked at and critically studied to determine the top ten. The ranking of these cities is based on economics, housing, amenities, crime rate, infrastructure and a host of other very important factors. After considering this factors, here are the top ten 10. Baton Rouge, Louisiana Baton Rouge, the capital of Louisiana, in the United States of America. 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