Thursday, February 27, 2020

Amazon Inc Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Amazon Inc - Research Paper Example In its recent endeavors, the company has been performing as a proven technology leader and has developed e-commerce innovations such as personalized shopping services, I-click ordering easy-to-use and other browse features. The company offers faster and safer credit transaction facility to its customers, and e4-mail communication with customers and direct shopping at competitive price worldwide (, Inc., 1998). The primary purpose of this paper is to identify Amazon’s current and future challenges along with the requisite competencies needed for its success. Current and Future Challenges Amazon has been successful in satisfying its customers’ needs with lower prices, vast selection and speedy delivery facilities. Nevertheless, the company has been currently facing intense competition from other online book merchants, mainly due to ease in new entry and low level of switching costs in the industry. Furthermore, the challenges in the form of competition are expec ted to increase in the future, making it more challenging for Amazon to achieve its goals and objectives. Notably, the security and privacy issues have always been a matter for challenge for the online business companies like Amazon. Despite, the adequate level of security and other facilities provided by the company, many customers decipher reluctance for conducting transactions over the internet. Additionally, the rapidly changing e-commerce environment has offered the company to make constant changes in its strategies in order to grow and adapt to the changing environment. Along with these challenges, the poor logistics and supply chain management has radically affected the ability of the company to earn substantial profits (Singh & Waddell, 2004; University of Washington, 1998). Competencies Required For Success Over the years, the company has been able to meet the needs of its customers more effectively and efficiently, which has rewarded the company to establish itself as one of the world’s largest online retailers. However, the constant changes in the online business environment, along with increasing competition has urged the company to focus on certain specific factors to strengthen its core competencies in order to retain its market position and attain success in the future. Hence, it can be argued that market orientation is a crucial factor for modern management in the e-commerce sector. It is also essential for Amazon to target the relevant needs of the targeted customers rather than emphasizing solely on the advancement of its technology approach. It is also equally important for the company to capture the arising market opportunities after assessing the upcoming risks in an efficient manner. In this regard, it is suggestible that the goals and strategies framed by the company should be in consistent with SMART (i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable and Timely). It is thus necessary for the company to establish effective planning, monitoring and controlling of its activities. Furthermore, the company should conduct market analysis as well as competitors’ analysis at regular intervals in order to acquire potential understanding about the prevailing market trends and competitors strategies. The company should also involve in developing leaders for future and ensuring greater success with increased competencies of the future leader to deal with the challenges in the most efficient manner. Nonetheless,

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Employment law for hr managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Employment law for hr managers - Essay Example Furthermore, indirect discrimination arises when a person discriminates against another person through applying a ‘provision, criteria or practice’ that is discriminatory against another person. For example, an employer only advertises jobs in magazines aimed at young people. The first two issues that may arise with regards to showing photographs of white and Asian people are that this is considered by statutory laws to be racial discrimination. However, it could be argued through the use of the principle of positive action which states that racial discrimination is only applicable when a person reasonably believes that he/she would suffer a disadvantage in relation to the characteristic shared. Therefore, in this case it could be argued that races other than white or Asian are not reasonably disadvantaged.2 The second issue in this case is the use of a specified term â€Å"young† to relate to the age of the suitable applicants. This could result in age discrimination as mentioned in Equality Act. Age discrimination happens when a person refers to another person in relation to a specified age group3. In this case it could be argued that Outrageous has discriminated by referring to a specific age group. It could be concluded by the usage of all arguments mentioned above that Outrageous may face problems in relation to the age discriminating terms used in the advertisement. However, the photographs of white and Asian seem to be less important as there are no reasonable grounds to believe that a certain race is being disadvantaged. So it is advisable that Outrageous changes the language used in the advertisement and in the same time keep the photographs as it is. b) The fact of the case above shows that Outrageous has already done the first round of interviews for the trainee position and has rejected three interviewees, one of them was a male who wears turban another was a Muslim woman aged 21 who wears a hijab the and